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Susan Swanson

The Mortgage and Real Estate business is what I live and breathe. It’s what I do and have done on a full time basis for over 40 years. I can do this in my sleep, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night with a solution to a challenge. My customers claim ” if […]

Jim Zures

I am a Reverse Mortgage Specialist with Arbor Financial Group. I help prospects and clients determine if a Reverse Mortgage is the right decision or not. I work with seniors directly, real estate agents, financial planners and healthcare professionals to evaluate how a Reverse Mortgage can improve their lives. I have a B.S. in Finance […]

Tim Formica

As a licensed mortgage originator, I work hand-in-hand with home buyers and homeowners to explore and secure or refinance loans that suit their needs. Guiding and advising my clients every step of the way, from application to closing, I help them strategically plan a financially sound mortgage aligned to their long-term goals. Whether you’re looking […]

Sandra Eisenberg

I have been a mortgage professional for 24 years and have had success working with all types of clients, including self-employed. My expertise is in helping clients take a holistic approach to incorporate their mortgage into their overall financial picture. I am proficient in working with a variety of specialized loan products and programs, from […]

Jay Carr

We’re proud to deliver a loan experience that delights whether you’re financing a multi-million dollar luxury estate, pinching every penny to qualify for your first home with FHA financing, or financing your second home, investment property or apartment complex.