Full disclosure: I am not your typical suit-wearing mortgage broker. In fact, I like to think of myself as down-to-earth and approachable - a real person with real solutions to every loan challenge.

Prior to starting my career in home lending, I was one of the world's top-ranked snowboard professionals. I've been fortunate enough to take valuable lessons from the highest levels of international competition (hard work, dedication, determination, a passion to succeed, and never forgetting to enjoy the ride) and apply them to being a top-performing loan consultant.

Since 2006, I have built a very successful business for my more-than-satisfied clients. They describe me as big-hearted, sunny, direct with backed knowledge, and brimming with a zest for life. I have earned the trust of my mountain community as a leading resource and pride myself on being able to solve the most complex loan issues.

I have received the Five Star Mortgage Professional Award twelve times and have been recognized across the industry as a Top Producer.
